Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Building a community/writer support network

Writing is a solitary endeavor.  Hours alone, researching, writing, editing, editing, editing.  Most connection with others is over email, if your lucky, skype.  That is why it is vital to have a critique group.  I've had two.

My first one didn't stick. The second has been a constant source of inspiration and has given me re-focused energy. 

There are deadlines for group meet up, so even if you don't have an editor tapping their foot waiting, you still feel the need to get something done.

There are people who will call/email if you don't show up to a meeting and give you encouragement if you arrive without a manuscript.

Critique groups are vital to helping any writer bring projects to completion.  They elevate your skillset. 

But critique groups are all about support.

Writing is hard.  Rejection is constant and at times soul crushing.

Your critique group is key to survival.  They are there to help you find your way, give you encouragement and pull you through the trenches of edit after edit after edit.

And when you finally succeed, they bring cake and flowers and many hugs of congratulations.  I love my critique group.  They are amazing women, creative writers and a constant source of inspiration.  This is how we started our first meet up of the season.  Hopefully soon there will be more cakes and flowers for each and everyone.

Thank you Maria, Sue and Sandy!  #WHOMPBOOM

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