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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Rejection Garden- Rejection Weekend

Do you remember my #6 Rejection Garden story, THE MAILBOX?

Well, over the weekend I received an email from a #PBPitch request publisher telling me that they very much enjoyed reading the story and thank you for sharing it with us, but we are going to pass.

Luckily, it was a lovely weekend and I had a new project in mind.
Ta Da!  The next phase of the garden, today, wires and soon, plants weaving their way up those wires. Trust me, it'll be lovely.

Rejection is simply going to happen A LOT. So work on many things to keep your creativity up. It's really hard to be down when you are in the middle of CREATING something new, whether that be writing another story, building, gardening, painting etc.  Here is a picture of my current workload. These are all written stories, in various states of being ready to submit.  I do the sticky note thing because it helps me pinpoint projects quickly, as you can see there are a few to choose from.

These are not ALL my in-progress stories, just the ones that have legs and are full drafts.
Just keep moving forward, the important part is to continue to love to create, no matter how many, "we're going to pass" rejections you get.


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