Tuesday, November 26, 2019

100 words-or-less Challenge 11.26.19- Sand, bark, Stone

[No Illo Notes in the text- Imagine Sophia's surroundings becoming more and more vibrant with each page turn until each page is FULL of the life around her at the park. The final page needs to show her whole (family) joining her.]

Waiting for a Sunday Sea Park Picnic

Sophia sat, all alone.

              Except for the sand sifting through her fingers…

              …Sea weeds ticking her toes…

              …stones cracking and slacking under blanket folds…

              …ducks just beyond the hill, scampering-one, two, three-steps from air to pond…

              …beavers crunching, munching, forever lunching on fallen branches…

              Sophia sat, all alone… surrounded by myriads of tones…


              … and throngs of songs.

              Her being touching textures, ruggedly rough…silvery smooth…

              …and puckered and pocked.

              Sophia sat all alone…

…Smelling sea brine, she counted her time, one heartbeat to the next.

              Watching, waiting, feeling life from the sea push against land until a…


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